Guild Points

Guild Points (GP) are earned and utilized in various ways to enhance your Classic Guild experience. Here's a detailed breakdown of the mechanics and significance of Guild Points:

Earning Guild Points

Guild Leaderboard and Rewards

Guild Milestone Rewards

Starting Guild Leaderboard S2, Guild Milestone rewards are added with the aim to reward guilds of all sizes, whether it's a small guild with only a few members or an established guild with powerhouse players. A total of 3,000 AXS will be distributed across three epic milestones. Here's how the reward will be divided across the milestones:


FAQ 1: Will the GP earned be removed from the Guild's total GP
if the player who earned the GP leaves the Guild?

The GP will remain in the Guild until the next season reset.
If the Guild member returns to the Guild, they will still have the GP.
FAQ 2: What if player A joined Guild 1 and had earned significant amounts of GP,
but then decided to leave and joined Guild 2, also earning significant amount of GP -
will the player A receive rewards from both Guilds?

If the player has enough GP (at least 0.1% as per the requirement),
and both of the Guilds are eligible for the top 20 rewards,
the user will get rewards from both Guilds!

Season Reset