There are four different types of roles in the game, and your role depends on the assets you own or delegated to you.

Role Description Earn Tokens Manage a Plot Visit a Plot Visit Villages
Land Owner Players who own a Land Plot. ✅ Need to own at least 1 Axie ✅ Need to own at least 1 Axie
Landlord Players who own a Land Plot and delegated it to another player (or steward) ✅ Reward will be divided with the Steward according to the percentage split specified in the delegation contract. ❌ If the Landlord has delegated all the Land Plots.

✅ If the Landlord still have a Land Plot that is not delegated. | ✅ Need to own at least 1 Axie | ✅ Need to own at least 1 Axie | | Steward | Players who do not own a Land Plot but have been delegated one to manage. | ✅ Reward will be divided with the Landlord according to the percentage split specified in the delegation contract. | ✅ | ✅ Need to own at least 1 Axie | ✅ Need to own at least 1 Axie | | Visitor | Players who neither own nor are delegated a Land Plot but do have an Axie. | ✅ Specifically through special events held in Starter Village. | ❌ | ✅ Need to own at least 1 Axie, land ownership or delegation is not required | ✅ Need to own at least 1 Axie, land ownership or delegation is not required |