Axie trainers can earn Smooth Love Potion [SLP] rewards by winning battles against their opponents in Ranked Arena mode. A small portion of SLP can also be earned as participation reward if you lose Arena matches, provided that certain criteria are met.

How much SLP a trainer is awarded will be based on both rank and whether or not the trainer has used starter axies during battle.

Trainers with teams that consist solely of starter Axies will not be eligible to earn SLP rewards. Other trainers who choose to use a mixture of NFT Axies and starter Axies will earn less SLP per win than they normally would with a full team of NFT Axies.

Below you will find the breakdown of trainers' reward potential based on rank and Ronin Spirit buff.

Rank Ronin 0 Ronin I Ronin II Ronin III
Egg IV 0 0 0 0
Egg III 0 0 0 0
Egg II 0 0 0 0
Egg I 0 0 0 0
Chick IV 0 0 0 0
Chick III 0 0 0 0
Chick II 0 0 0 0
Chick I 0 0 0 0
Hare IV 0 0 0 0
Hare III 0 0 0 0
Hare II 0 0 0 0
Hare I 0 0 0 0
Boar IV 0 0 0 0
Boar III 0 0 0 0
Boar II 0 0 0 0
Boar I 0 0 0 0
Wolf IV 0 0 2 4
Wolf III 0 0 2 4
Wolf II 0 0 2 4
Wolf I 0 0 2 4
Bear IV 0 2 4 6
Bear III 0 2 4 6
Bear II 0 2 4 6
Bear I 0 2 4 6
Tiger IV 0 4 6 10
Tiger III 0 4 6 10
Tiger II 0 4 8 10
Tiger I 0 4 8 10
Dragon IV 0 6 10 15
Dragon III 0 6 10 15
Dragon II 0 6 10 15
Dragon I 0 6 10 15
Challenger 1800+ 0 8 12 20
Challenger 2000+ 0 8 12 20
Challenger 2200+ 0 8 12 20
Challenger 2400+ 0 8 12 20

Ronin I, II, and III represent the number of NFT Axies on a team.

SLP can also be earned from various events and by completing daily/weekly missions. Events that reward SLP will be announced when they occur.

NOTE: If you do not have any NFT/blockchain axies at all, you will not be able to earn SLP and EmAXS in Origins from any sources. This includes disenchantment of runes/charms, even if they were crafted with SLP.

SLP Claiming

SLP rewarded in-game can be claimed and minted on the blockchain through the App.Axie Portal. SLP earned in the Arena can be claimed no sooner than 1 day after it has been awarded.

A 1 day lock will be placed on all newly earned SLP before trainers are able to claim the token.

Please note that any trainer found to have received SLP through means of bug abuse or other exploitation may have their SLP rewards revoked.

SLP in Crafting

SLP in-game can be used to craft runes and charms. SLP that is already on the blockchain will need to be deposited back into the game using the App.Axie Portal before it can be used to craft runes and charms.

User Limitations

By default, trainers will be able to utilize in-game SLP to craft runes and charms. However, this option can be disabled within the Marketplace under the "Account Settings" tab.