About the Game

Axie Infinity: Origins, released in April 2022, introduced important onboarding features and burning mechanisms for the axie economy. It is a turn based card battler where players battle with a team of 3 axies.

Each axie has 6 cards which are based on their respective body parts. Players equip the axies with power ups called runes and charms. These runes and charms are obtained by crafting with SLP and materials obtained from playing the game. There are also NFT Runes and Charms which can be traded on the marketplace.

Download Axie Origins: https://hub.skymavis.com/games/origins

Current Season: S12 Preseason

<aside> 👇 Scroll down below for in-depth guides in each section


Getting Started

Creating an Origins Account

Learn about Axies

Battle Mechanics



Ronin Spirit Buff

Smooth Love Potion (SLP)



Class Badges & Honor Medals

Gems and Origins Shop